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A BDSM Blogger’s Self Reflection of the Past Six Years

Writer's picture: Michelle FegatofiMichelle Fegatofi

After years of being in a relationship, or even working in the same job, life can become one huge routine. The bright, shiny newness and excitement wear off. We settle down when we’re happy, become complacent and stop being inspired to explore alternative paths in our relationships/jobs. Some may say we get lazy and stop putting in the effort we once did. That may be the case for some, but for others, they honestly just get into a never ending cycle day after day.

I personally have experienced this within my own life. When I first started this blog, I was inspired to write about many different topics related to my experiences in the Lifestyle, as well as my observations inspired by those I have had the privilege of mentioning or helping with their own dilemmas pertaining to BDSM.

I’ve answered many diverse and interesting questions as well as opened up my private life and my struggles with balancing my own #submission and my ever present and changing health battles with #epilepsy and all the weird stuff that comes with it. I’ve read and commented on countless topics in various groups and community inspired pages. I’ve also written and published some semi successful books on various aspects of BDSM. In the past 6 years, many would look and say, "Wow! She's accomplished a lot." And I am very happy, humble and thankful for what I have accomplished. But... and yes there is almost always a but, what’s next?

In the past couple of years, if you have followed my blog posts and pages, you will have noticed that my new posts have gotten far and few between. "Why?", you may ask. Well, to put it bluntly, I am not inspired as much as I once was to write that often. I concentrate mainly on the mental and emotional side of BDSM. I have written on many diverse topics and some variations of the same topic.

When I go into groups and on pages on different #socialmedia sites, I see the same questions, problems, and general issues over and over. I always give my opinion on topics, but very rarely do I find one that is different enough to inspire me to write a new post, because I’ve usually already written about it. While I’ve seen many #bloggers write about the same subject on their blogs multiple ways, the information is always the same, but presented with new words. I’m not the type to do that, nor do I think, you, my followers, would want to read something like that from me.

I have actually written a couple, of what I consider, fluff pieces. These are usually How-To posts that you can find variations of on 20 other BDSM related internet sites. These don’t get the views that my personalized posts do because they don’t contain the type of information and advice that many of you have come to associate with me as being ‘my style’.

By now, you have to be thinking, 'is there a point to this' and 'wow she’s whining'. I promise you there is a point and no, I’m not whining, just taking the long way around to make my point.

First, I want to thank each and every one of you that have taken the time to read my blog or buy my books. Your continued support means so much to me. Secondly, welcome to all the new people that are just now discovering my blog and my own #journey through BDSM. All the comments I receive from readers really help keep me focused and pushing even when I feel like my writing is blocked or inspiration is gone.

Now, for the point of this blog, I am currently filming what I am calling a mini video series that, while not a #BDSM activity, I consider it somewhat related. How is that possible? Well, being a slave to Padrone Marco, he is always encouraging me to push and try new things. He’s always supportive of hobbies I have that are totally unrelated to BDSM. I had given up a hobby of mine many years ago because my previous relationship was so toxic, I completely lost all of my confidence, sense of self, and ability to really explore anything unrelated to my ex because of an acute fear and history of verbal abuse by him.

Over the past six plus years that I’ve been with Padrone, I have grown, regained my confidence and rediscovered myself. Between dealing with everyday life and health issues, I’m revisiting things I used to love to do but had completely given up on. The only reason I’m able to do this now is because of #Padrone’s continued unconditional support, patience, love and encouragement.

So, now that I have explained some things, revealed what’s an exciting new video series project I’ve been working on that I will share with you all in the very near future, you want to know what exactly it is, right? Well, you have to wait and follow to see! Yes, that’s evil but I have a reason for not revealing the topic just yet, because I’m hoping that after seeing it, you will be inspired to submit your own similar video to be featured on my blog! Now, no more details until the big reveal!

While I will continue to post blog posts, answer questions, and write new Lifestyle related books in the future, don’t be surprised to see things posted that are not specific to BDSM, but branches in new directions that are inspired and encouraged by my living the Lifestyle as a consensual slave.


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