Welcome to Week 48 of Operation Get Fit No Excuses! If you follow me regularly, you may have noticed that I didn’t post a fitness update last week. I was dealing with a lot of Epilepsy related issues and the time just got away from me. So, this is a combined summary for weeks 47 and 48.
I don’t have a whole lot to report for the past two weeks. I have gained 1 kilo (2.2 pounds) over my last weigh in and have no idea why. I haven’t been eating more or changed my diet. I’ve actually been exercising more consistently and burning more calories.
I think it may be muscle gain and not fat gain because I have been incorporating dumbells more into my workouts to try to tone and strengthen my arms. I am starting to see a change in my upper arms, especially the backs that are so hard to tighten.
I admit that gaining even 1 kilo freaked me out and made me wonder if I should cut back on my diet even more. Of course, the answer to that is no. Once I calmed down and made myself think about the overall situation logically, the muscle gain scenario occurred to me.
I have seen and read many articles showing women that have lost weight or changed their shape and weighed the same. I have to try to stay off the scales and just judge by how my clothes fir and my measurements once a month. As long as my clothes fit the same, I’m not going to dwell on my actual weight.
I know I promised to post my sweet pineapple tofu recipe and I will. I’ve just been busy. Look for it soon!
Padrone has been doing very well with his diet also. He definitely doesn’t exercise but has been really good about watching what he eats and not eating too much. We do have cheat meals once a week so we don’t feel to much longing for junk food or sweets.
With Christmas season here and all the sweets available, it’s ok and even natural to cheat on your diet, but just make sure to watch how much you cheat so you don’t undo all your hard work.
I know that this week’s summary was very short but there wasn’t much to report on. Thank you as always for following and your continued support and encouragement.