Welcome back to Year 2 Week 2 of my #Operation #GetFit No Excuses! There haven’t been many things that have changed from my update from last week but here goes!
If you have been following me, you will know that I have been struggling the past month or so finding and keeping my motivation to workout every day. Although I have kept up with my daily exercise by sheer will and determination, I was definitely getting bored with the workouts available to me online.
I don’t go to a #gym because I don’t like to workout with other people and it’s just easier for me to do it at #home. So, I’m limited in what I can do. With the winter weather being so bad this year, I have had to try and get creative with my exercise plan. The other day, I was browsing Facebook and came across some funny memes from the 80s that involved dancing aerobics. It gave me the idea to see what would happen if I just streamed some music that I like and danced to it while throwing in some arm and leg exercise moves I’ve learned over the past year.
I decided to use 90s dance hits and I crazy danced for 30 minutes straight. It was awesome! I ended up burning a ton of calories as well as having fun. It gave me a great #cardio #workout, made my body keep guessing what was coming next, and released “happy #endorphins” into my system. I will definitely be doing this at least once a week from now on because it was so much fun!
I have to be careful not to be too hard on my knees because I do have issues with them sometimes. But, with a continuous rotation of seated cardio, walk-at-home cardio, crazy dancing, and mixed cardio routines, I shouldn’t plateau any time soon. I try to do some type of cardio every day for a minimum of 15 minutes while rotating through a combination of abs, leg, thigh, and arm #exercises. Many of the workouts I follow online combine toning and strength training with cardio so I work multiple muscles at once while maintaining a #high #calorie #burn.
If you have any recommendations for workouts that you think I should try, please comment with a link below. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you back again next week!