This is Year 2 Week 9 of my Operation #GetFit No Excuses #journey. I want to talk to you about diet this week.
I have been receiving a lot of various ads on Facebook and other social media sites for “#get #skinny #quick” diet pills/shakes/foods. The way the #advertisers are presenting these plans or foods piss me off because every single one is false advertising or fake news. All of them are complete #crap and will absolutely not work! They are just a way for unscrupulous people to make money. There is no such thing as a #magicpill or diet that will make #losing weight easier.
Losing weight is different for everyone. Dietary needs are different for everyone. What works for me may or may not work for you. The only sure and proven way to lose weight and keep it off long term is through a diet that works for your body’s needs and exercise. Obviously, reducing and/or eliminating your #junk food and #sugar intake is a step in the right direction. But, don’t get stuck on these fad diets where all you eat are things like eggs, kale, avocado or meat. Don’t think that you have to eat only #rabbitfood also.
You need to find a balance that will help you get the daily nutrition you need and satisfy your hunger, while also not making you constantly crave foods you’ve given up. For me, I started out giving up sugar and carbs completely. I then switched to a quasi-vegetarian diet. I recently have started eating some complex carbs a few times a week as well as allowing myself to indulge in some sweets. I do watch how much of it I eat as well as how much my weight fluctuates. I #exercise almost daily but do take breaks to rest my muscles. I am very aware of which foods I can eat and which ones I can’t to keep my weight in check.
I still eat mainly #plantbased #food (tofu, peas, beans, soy based products, seitan, mopur, quinoa). Just because I choose to eat this way and it has made me much healthier, doesn’t necessarily mean my diet choices would work for you. Much of my food is prepackaged, but I am very aware of what’s in it. I always make sure that there is low salt content, low calories, low carbs, and low fat. Many packaged foods, even ones sold as diet foods, contain things that are counter intuitive to weight loss.
So please, find a balanced diet that works for you that is sustainable long term. This is the only way, combined with exercise, that a person can honestly maintain weight loss in the long term. Losing weight and maintaining it is not a diet, it is definitely a lifestyle.